38238a威尼斯欢迎你 社会工作系,讲师 , 2024.07 – 今
香港大学 社会工作及社会行政学系,博士后,2022.12 – 2024.01
香港大学 社会工作及社会行政学系,兼职讲师(Lecturer) , 2023.09 – 2024.01
香港大学 社会工作及社会行政学系 博士, 2018.09 –2022.09
北京师范大学 心理学部,应用心理 硕士, 2015.09 – 2017.06
陕西师范大学 心理学院,应用心理学 学士 , 2009.09 – 2013.06
Jiao, K., & Chow, A. Y. M. (2024). Bereavement dyadic coping questionnaire: Development and validation. Death Studies, Online Publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2024.2400361 (SSCI Q2)
Jiao, K. &Chow, A. Y (2023). From I-coping to we-coping following bereavement: A qualitative study on parent-child dyadic coping in widowed families. Journal of Family Psychology, 37 (8), 1200–1212. (SSCI Q2)
Jiao, K., & Chow, A. Y. (2023). The connections of physical and psychosocial symptoms among patients with terminal illnesses: A network analysis. Palliative Medicine, 37(1):120-130. (SCI Q1)
Jiao, K., Chow, A. Y., Wang, J., & Chan, II. (2021). Factors facilitating positive outcomes in community-based end-of-life care: A cross-sectional qualitative study of patients and family caregivers. Palliative Medicine, 35(6), 1181-1190. (SCI Q1)
Jiao, K., Chow, A. Y., & Chen, C. (2021). Dyadic relationships between a surviving parent and children in widowed families: A systematic scoping review. Family Process, 60(3), 888-903. (SSCI Q1)
焦克媛, 朱雅雯, 范文超, 周宁宁, & 王建平. (2017). 认知回避问卷在中国大学生中应用的信效度. 中国临床心理学杂志, 25(06), 1017-1021(CSSCI核心期刊)
Ng, Y. H., Jiao, K., Suen, M. H. P., Wang, J., & Chow, A. Y. M. (2024). The role of the social environment on dementia caregivers’ pre-death grief: A mixed-methods systematic review. Death Studies, Online Publication.
Chen, C, Chow, A. Y., & Jiao, K., (2022). The meaning of patient deaths for professional caregivers: A quantitative construct validation, Death Studies, 47:4, 440-449.
Chow, A. Y., Fordjour G., Jiao, K.,Jung, N. Chan, I.I.& Kuok, N. (2023). Redefining caregiver strain for family caregivers in end-of-life care in Hong Kong. Palliative & supportive care, 22(4), 767–774.
Tang, R., Xie, T., Jiao, K., Xu, X., Zou, X., Qian, W., & Wang, J. (2021). Grief reactions and grief counseling among bereaved Chinese individuals during Covid-19 pandemic: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial combined with a longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), 9061.
Qian., W., Tang R., Jiao, K., Xu, X., Zou X.,.,& Wang. Growing in suffering: the curvilinear relationship between prolonged grief and post-traumatic growth of recently bereaved individual during the COVID-19 pandemic. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, Accepted, in press.
Chow, A. Y., Suen, M. H., Jiao, K.,…, & Chan, C.L.(2022) Fear of contamination, perceived social support and physical health of health social workers in Hong Kong: A cross-sectional survey. Social Work in Health Care,61(4):280-297.
Zou X., Tang R., Xu, X., Jiao, K., Qian., W., Shen, X.,& Wang. Risk factors for complicated grief during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of avoidance processes. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 30(1), 202-212.
Xu, X., Zou X., Tang R., Jiao, K., Qian., W., Shen, X.,& Wang. Latent class analysis of grief-related beliefs among recently bereaved adults. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Accepted, in press.
申新兰,钱文丽,徐鑫,邹欣妍,唐任之慧,焦克媛 & 王建平.(2023).新冠疫情期间哀伤信念与丧亲后心理症状的关系:回避的中介作用.中国临床心理学杂志(05),1070-1074.
黄晶菁, 邹欣妍, 焦克媛, 徐鑫, 唐任之慧, 钱文丽, 申新兰, 王建平. (2023). 丧亲者的心理预期与哀伤反应:丧亲内疚与焦虑回避的中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志(04), 803-808.
邹欣妍,申新兰,徐鑫,唐任之慧,焦克媛,钱文丽 & 王建平.(2023).基于胜任力模型的哀伤咨询培训体系构建及其效果.中国临床心理学杂志(02),486-490